



BOMA/十大网赌靠谱网址平台基金会 was formed in 2008 as an Illinois not-for-profit corporation 和 has been qualified as a charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

The mission of the 基金会 is to advance the development of emerging talent in commercial real estate, 包括代表性不足的群体, 通过教育, 曝光和拓展.


  • Grow 和 support underrepresented professionals in Chicago's commercial real estate industry
  • Collaborate with local high schools 和 universities to educate students about careers in commercial real estate
  • Award 和 fund three scholarships for courses leading to achievement of the Real Property Administrator (RPA) 和 Facilities Management Administrator (FMA) designations:




BOMA/十大网赌靠谱网址平台基金会 和 our Diversity Committee are 100% committed to promoting diversity, 商业地产的公平与包容. 在我们继续扩大努力的同时,我们也需要扩大和增加我们的十大网赌靠谱网址平台. 在CRE领导和董事会的领导和指导下,我们已经 发起了BOMA/十大网赌靠谱网址平台基金会基金.

You 和 your company can play a part 和 support the 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台基金会 through a donation. 点击这里获得指导 浏览我们的基金网页. 提前感谢您的支持!

BOMA/十大网赌靠谱网址平台基金会 is qualified as a charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations to the 基金会 are tax deductible as charitable contributions or as ordinary 和 necessary business expenses. 捐赠者应该咨询他们的税务顾问.

基础板 & 委员会

作为一个独立于博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台的实体, 基金会有自己的董事会, 规章制度, 账簿、记录和纳税申报表. Three committees serve the 基金会 – the Nominating, Diversity 和 Scholarship 委员会.

BOMA/十大网赌靠谱网址平台基金会董事会 由13名选举产生的董事组成,其中包括3名高级职员.


多元化委员会的历史 & 委员会概述

在雷金纳德·L. Ollie, a retired African American CRE leader, 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 created the Diversity Committee. Reggie Ollie approached the Board about forming this Committee in July 1995 和 soon after, 委员会正式成立. 如今,多元化委员会隶属于BOMA/十大网赌靠谱网址平台基金会. We are very proud of this Committee 和 our 志愿者 who lead our diversity-focused initiatives.

我们为雷吉设立了同名奖学金 奥利奖学金 – that is awarded to one underrepresented professional each year 和 pays the entire tuition for the RPA designation. 2019年9月, both the 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台基金会 和 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 董事会 unanimously voted to honor Reggie with lifetime membership. We recognized Reggie at the November 2019 Annual 会员 Meeting as a Lifetime Member 和 thanked him for tirelessly advocating for diversity in commercial real estate.

The Diversity Committee’s current mission is: To recruit underrepresented 和 minority professionals to the commercial real estate industry 和 to promote professional diversity. 通过奖学金, 教育项目和其他努力, the Committee will focus on retaining diverse talent in the CRE industry 和 forging avenues for professional growth of underrepresented groups, 例如但不限于种族, 少数民族, LGBTQ和残疾群体.


BOMA/十大网赌靠谱网址平台基金会 举办多元化庆祝活动 每年4月为其奖学金、辅导、拓展和其他项目筹集资金. 本次活动对博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台的会员和非会员开放.

多元化教育,职业日,网络 & 十大网赌靠谱网址平台高中和大学项目

BOMA/十大网赌靠谱网址平台基金会的多元化委员会与当地高中合作, 大学和非营利组织举办CRE职业日, 社交活动和教育项目(如多元化小组).

多元化委员会制作了一个CRE 101行业和职业视频 你可以在这里查看. This is a sample of the type of content we present at high school 和 college career days.



你被邀请 向BOMA/十大网赌靠谱网址平台基金会捐款. Donations to the 基金会 are tax deductible as charitable contributions or as ordinary 和 necessary business expenses. 捐赠者应该咨询他们的税务顾问.


Through our relationships with National Louis University (NLU) 和 other local non-profits 和 colleges, 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台有机会获得实习和工作候选人. These c和idates come from diverse backgrounds 和 are first-generation college students.

We are so proud to announce that the Diversity Committee assisted five college students secure CRE internships for the summer of 2021! Able Services hired one intern who is a student at the Illinois Institute of Technology (Kassidy Moy). Hines hired two interns, one from NLU (Tiffany Brown) 和 one from DePaul University (Khush Mistry). Glenstar还从NLU聘请了两名暑期实习生(Joselin Rogel和Jose Berber)。.

你是在招聘实习生还是普通员工? 如果是这样, 请联系杰奎琳·马登 她会帮你联系当地大学和非营利组织的学生.


The Diversity Committee believes that property management companies 和 vendor partners have a responsibility to help us diversify the CRE workforce 和 re-evaluate policies 和 practices to support the careers of diverse professionals. 请 通读委员会的建议 如何在你的公司创建一个多元化和包容性的员工队伍.


你是否热衷于促进我们行业的多样性、包容性和公平性? 那我们希望你 加入我们,成为我们的多元化大使!

By becoming a Diversity Ambassador, you will help the Diversity Committee 和 基金会:

  • Facilitate honest conversations about diversity 和 inclusion by encouraging others (和 yourself) to share stories 和 experiences
  • Educate 和 mentor underrepresented high school 和 college students about the CRE industry
  • Recruit underrepresented professionals to the CRE industry 和 create professional advancement opportunities
  • 举办建筑参观、工作见习日和社交活动
  • D计划&1、教育项目

参见上面标题部分 多元化教育,职业日,网络 & 十大网赌靠谱网址平台高中和大学项目 for specific information about the work we do 和 the organizations we work with, including 顺利通过 和 青年成就. You can volunteer when you are available; we typically have several opportunities each month. We will email you with all available opportunities once you sign up to become an Ambassador.

博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 members 和 our community-at-large are encouraged to become Diversity Ambassadors. 你将与我们的多元化委员会携手合作,制定可衡量的, 在商业地产行业多元化方面迈出积极步伐. Our future leaders are right here in our own community 和 YOU can make a difference by volunteering alongside us. 你所需要做的就是 完成这个快速在线多元化大使表格 我们会保持联系的!

金融权力 & 置业人士工作坊

多元化委员会举办了一个免费的财务授权 & 置业人士工作坊. During this 90-minute class, students learn about budgeting, saving, credit 和 money management. 如欲查询即将举办的工作坊,请报名 请浏览此网页.

该课程对所有参与者免费, 包括博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台会员, 非成员国, 保安人员, 清洁人员, 停车服务员, 信使号员工, 码头员工, 收发室工作人员和所有建筑专业人员.


|f you have any questions about the 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台基金会 or would like to make a donation, 请联系Jaclynne Madden, 教育署长, at jmadden@manila-condo.com or (312) 870-9608.